"I'm going to tell Ms. Sara!" I heard from across the room. Seconds later a two and a half year-old was at my side.
"My friend said a bathroom word."
Now this is no new event to the world of early childhood. Bathroom words are frequently used across the spectrum--from expressions of anger to complete and utter silliness.
"Go tell her you do not like hearing those words and that are only to be used in the bathroom." I told this child. She ran off, content to oblige.
A moment later she and two of her friends walked by me pushing a stroller with a seemingly purposeful destination. I waved at them and smiled.
"Where are you off to?" I asked.
One of them replied matter-of-factly, "To the bathroom to say potty words."
Sure enough they veered to the bathroom and soon I heard, "Poopy, poopy, poopy!" They emerged again and walked back to the dramatic play area, apparently their souls were now relieved of a burning desire.