Monday, April 18, 2011

It made the children laugh and play

Our Little Lamb (Elliot) didn't necessarily follow us to school on his own volition, but I don't think he minded getting a ride to school.  Naturally, the our curiosity was high when Elliot arrived and we all very willingly broke out in various renditions of Mary Had a Little Lamb and Baa, Baa Black Sheep.  Those fears that I talked about in a previous post accompanied the fascination of the lamb. I think it's natural to be a bit hesitant to touch a living thing that one's not familiar with. One of the preschool mother's passed on an article addressing the fears of two-year-olds--don't discount the fear it said, just reassure that things are okay, that they are safe. It's a reminder to me again that while children learn thousands of things in their first three years of life, there are still a lot of things they just have not experienced yet. They just need to learn.

Spin art. Inspired by the awesome book Jazz Baby I broke out the record player. It worked but we need speakers so we decided to make some spinning art instead.

Our public debut show at the mall. Who wouldn't want to send their child to a school where she can wear a ladybug costume?  No worries, we have boy costumes too!

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