Monday, June 20, 2011


I have to admit, I feel a bit dinosaurish myself this evening--long days make me want to growl and stomp, often in search of food. :)  Kids have this epic fascination with dinosaurs. One of my favorite activities this week was creating a volcano. We haven't done actual explosion yet (I'm going to go put vinegar where I'll remember it tomorrow). There was much more, I realized, as is common among people who begin to broach a subject of interest, to learn and it peaks my interest even more in this project approach. I have the idea of it lurking in my head, but I just don't know how to get it rolling. I just need to do some serious experimentation.

These are dinosaur eggs--sand, water, coffee grounds, salt, and flour that I hid something in and then hardened. I hid them around the room and then let the kids use tweezers (they were still pretty soft), to excavate.  

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